So, you have a job interview scheduled and you want to know what questions you will be asked. How can you prepare? What do you need to know prior to the interview?
The first round of interview questions usually aim to get some general information about your background, previous experience, responsibilities and to find out if you qualify for the position. Typically, the second round of questions move from general to specific. The questions become more technical and focus on your ability to successfully perform the job tasks. The employer wants to determine if your background matches the job and how you can transfer your existing talents and abilities to meet the requirements of the job. You can also expect interview questions that explore your fit with the company culture and organizational philosophy. Questions during the second round of interviewing are typically Behavioral Based Questions, which means you will be asked to provide specific examples from your past positions.
Here are a few questions you might be asked and how to prepare to answer them.
• How did you go about performing XYZ job task in your last job?
Be sure you are familiar with job-related terms, as they will probably be used when asking job-specific interview questions. Give an example and draw attention to those skills where you feel you are the strongest. Demonstrate how you have the necessary abilities to successfully complete the job tasks.
• Tell me about a mistake you made and how you handled it?
Be prepared with an example that demonstrates that you made a mistake, you learned from it and you did better because of it. You want to show the employer that you are human, that you can take constructive feedback and that you can move forward and improve.
• What was your greatest accomplishment in your last position?
Think about something big that you achieved, whether it was surpassing a revenue/sales goal, bringing in a big client/piece of business, or coming up with a new and innovative idea, you want to explain about a time when you did something really well. Share details about what you did and the steps you took to get there. What skills did you use? How does this accomplishment relate to the job in which you are interviewing?
This is just a small sample of questions you may be asked. Before any interview, do your research on the company, review the job description, come prepared to answer specific questions about your previous positions and have a list or your own questions.